Encouraging + Equipping moms to raise up the next generation of world changers through intentional and missional living.

My Story

Grace has beautifully interwoven my life's fabric, and I am eternally grateful for how God transformed my heart, revealing a path far richer than any worldly pursuit I once followed. A pivotal moment came while delving into a Bible study of Elijah. God illuminated the truth that my past and self-imposed labels were not barriers but rather testimonies of His transformative love. My journey mirrors that of the “wild birds” in ancient tradition, often overlooked and misunderstood (even labeled unclean). God chose to use a raven to sustain Elijah while he was in the wilderness. Like the raven, I too have found unmerited favor in God's eyes, chosen time and again to serve and uplift those I encounter.

This insight was particularly poignant as my family navigated a period of transition (stepping away from pastoral ministry), encouraging me to see our HOME as our primary mission field.

Little did we know, a season of “wilderness” awaited us.

In November 2023, a call to foster three precious children expanded our family overnight, propelling us into a season of healing, growth, and genuine living out of the Gospel. I clung to God like never before and continue to see Him show up in supernatural ways that can only be explained by His power.

Because of the whirlwind of foster care, with its responsibilities and emotional demands, and the time constraints of continuing my photography business, I began to pray for a solution to meet our growing families financial needs.

The answer? A course on digital marketing and creating passive income called the Roadmap. The course showed me a path that not only offered financial support but also aligned with my passion for creating meaningful, truly impactful work.

I know that I am called to be a source of sustenance and support, like the wild birds who fed Elijah in the wilderness, empowering others to spread the light of Jesus and this journey reinforces that calling. So here I am…using my platform to spread light.

If you yearn to lead a purposeful, mission-driven life but sometimes doubt your worthiness, let me reassure you: God delights in using the most unlikely among us, magnifying His glory through our beautifully messy stories.

He is truly worthy of it all.

My creations are designed with two heartfelt intentions: to offer you a path to financial freedom while ensuring you can be fully present with your loved ones, AND to empower you to turn your home into a sanctuary that radiates God's relentless love.